Whisper Steele Edge
Therapy Doodle by day, Superhero by night
“The best therapist has fur and four legs.”
Professional Cuddler, Inspiring Model
Professional Affiliations
Whisper the Goldendoodle Line @ inkopious.com
My hoomans told me I needed tew learn sum skills, so Ms. Beth came tew see me when I was a baby. She taught me how tew be a good gurl, tew give paw, tew sit, and tew stay. Ms. Beth had da bestest treats! I did such a good job with Ms. Beth and my hoomans that I won my first award!
But my hoomans, said I needed more extensive training tew be da best therapy doodle! So, I started werking with Off Leash K9 Training tew become a Certified Therapy Dog, but first I have tew pass a very, very hard test. I’ve been practicing though! Check out some of my skills!
Fun Facts
I wuv vanilla ice cream and chiken, chasing squirrels and wabbits, playing fotball.
I wuv tew smile at da hoomans!
I wuv tew be picked up and held like a baby!
Hooman-made pages are boring… here’s all da fun stuffs :)
My First Day
My hoomans said I did great :)
This was my first day of puppy training with my hooman teacher Ms. Beth from Peterson’s Positive Pups and Ponies.
I learned lots of new things and received so many delicious treats.
I WUV being da center of attention!!
But, I wuv helping people more :)